Wednesday, February 22, 2012


"That was the last roast beef sandwich!!!!"

My mom was a bit concerned when I showed her this one. But, hey! It's Wolverine! Fighting a bear! How could there not be blood?

Star Child

Story art for a story I started developing this last fall called Star Child. Digital work.

Beat Boards

Some beat boards for that Rumpelstiltskin project. Water color, yay!


Environment designs for a Rumpelstiltskin re-imagination. Sorry for the smudges on the left side; someone didn't clean the scanner...

A Monster and a Knight

A two-page comic in which a monster and a knight have a curious encounter with a little girl.

Anya's Ghost

Fanart for Anya's Ghost, a graphic novel by Vera Brosgol. Great book.

Savannah in Space!

Due to a cataclysmic event, Savannah, GA is now floating around in outer space. At least everyone is having a good time.

Rejection at the Bridge

Poor kid. Looks like his girl just left him for another man.

Art Stuff

Welcome to my art blog! Feel free to poke around.