Sunday, July 21, 2013

Character maybe?

Workin' on some story stuff and designed this character for a possible future project. I drew her a few weeks ago then decided to slap some color on it today for fun.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Warm Ups

Here are some warm up drawings I've done over the past couple weeks. Some are good, some are bed, and some are just ok. Warming up by getting the ugly drawings out of my system before starting on serious art stuff always helps me produce better work. Plus it's fun just drawing whatever you feel like. It's a good practice to get into, I think.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Just some stuff

The summer has been off to a great start (other than a slight mishap in which I sprained my ankle)! My internship has been really fun so far, and I'm learning a lot. It's fantastic seeing first-hand what it's like working in the freelance comic industry. I've been working on my Ordinary Princess story, and hopefully by the end of the summer I will have a stack of pages to show to editors!

Here are a couple digital doodles I did one day while icing my swollen foot.

Tryin' out some different coloring techniques. Please ignore the terrible anatomy.

Pendleton Ward, inspired by this interview.