Thursday, August 16, 2012

Naturally Apocolyptic: Chapter 1

Well, summer is coming to a close and I have finished the first chapter in my story! I learned a lot working on these pages and there are definitely some things I would do differently if I were to do it again. Ah, well, that won't happen though. Moving on to new and better art!

I will repost this once I get quality scans of the pages. For now, I hope they are readable. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Mash

Another notebook has been filled up and placed on the infamous drawing book shelf. Here are a few of my favorite drawings (and doodles) from within its covers!

Here are just some random drawings of my characters, Kat and Stephan. They are such silly kids.
 Dots for eyes!
 Wolf girl inspired by my lovely friend, Melani Huggins.
Yes Man (a.k.a Mortimus Clay) disguises himself by wearing glasses. It's so obvious that no one sees it coming.

Yes Man and Kat have a great relationship. Myessssss.....
Kat needed some jammies since she spends so much time in them. Here's a mash-up of a bunch of different ideas. Obviously, shorts seem to be her style. Even though she lives in England where it isn't very warm.

Studying character shapes and coloring.
 This is about as close as it gets to a "value drawing" in any of my sketchbooks.

So now on to another great notebook and many more improvements!